Asbury Cemetery

Richmond, Richmond, New York, United States


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Asbury Cemetery is named for it\'s first pastor who was sent by Jon Wesley to the United States to perform missionary work. The cemetery lies around the church now owned by Son Rise Church. I don\'t know if they own or are responsible for the cemetery grounds themselves. The area close to the church is maintained but the majority is in very poor condition with fallen gravestones and vandalization. At one time, the Friends of Abandoned Cemeteries of Staten Island did some work there, but it appears it isn\'t truly an abandoned cemetery as the last grave marker I saw was from 2011. I had read the grave of the original Ichabod Crane, who provided the inspiration for the name of the Washington Irving character was buried here and these photos attest to that. I hope to return more prepared for photography and bushwhacking as many of the other gravestones are obviously families who were important to the development of Staten Island; Deckers, Vanderbilts and LaTourrettes among them.
Asbury Cemetery, Created by ChrisB, Richmond, Richmond, New York, United States