Frost Cemetery

Perry, Washington, Maine, United States


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In July, 2010 trees obscured the over-grown, badly deteriorated cemetery on private land and it could not be seen (or easily located) from the road. I returned there in 2012 and found it transformed. The cemetery is in the woods up the hill from Lee Corbett\'s home. The Frost Cemetery is listed as Location No. 31 in the book \"At Rest in Perry, Maine\" compiled by Jeanne O\'Shea Wagner and Colon S. Morrison. That book states that the Frost Cemetery is located on the Willard Frost property on Route 1 in Perry, Maine. I tried to find the cemetery on July 13, 2010 based on the directions provide at page 65 of the book and the map on page iv. The directions on page 65 are reasonably accurate in their statement that the property is 1.9 miles south of the junction of Rte. 1 and Rte. 190 on Rte. 1. The map on page iv, however, is badly misleading. The small house and vegetable stand mentioned in that description no longer exist. They have been replaced by a handsome new home up on the hill, some two hundred feet from the road. The address is 528 U.S. Rte. 1. The home was owned by Lee Corbett (now deceased) who was most gracious when I knocked on his door. I commented that the overgrown state of the cemetery was unfortunate and that it should be cleaned up, offering to assist with the expense. When I returned two years later in 2010 I found the cemetery restored, the grave markers cleaned and returned to their upright positions.
Frost Cemetery, Created by Chasly, Perry, Washington, Maine, United States