Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery

Adair, Guthrie, Iowa, United States


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On January 7, 1890 it was decided at a voters meeting of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church of Adair, IA to form a committee to find a location to be used as cemetery. On July 6, 1890 the church approved the purchase of piece of land just north of Adair and on April 20, 1891 the church trustees officially purchased the initial 2 acres. Anna Gebers was the first burial to take place. Her interment was in late September 1890. On April 19, 1945 a small additional amount of land was purchased to create a driveway up into the cemetery and in January 1959 an additional acre of land was purchased along the north side of the cemetery. The brick pillars were added on either side of the entrance in 1966 and in 1969 flag poles began to be donated and installed in the cemetery.
Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Adair, Guthrie, Iowa, United States