Jonathan Tosh Cemetery

Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia, United States


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This cemetery is either so overgrown that it is inaccessible or is just not there. It is in a patch of woods that was surrounded by golf holes from a time when there was a golf course there. I took photos from the closest road that I could pointing towards the cemetery location of the golf course closed/no trespassing signs that were nearest to the cemetery and because I'm naturally curious I tried to find the cemetery. I made my way through the underbrush to right where the pin was dropping for the cemetery location but I could find very few signs of one. I did find about a dozen golf balls which is amazing because the course has been closed for about 10 years. I did take some pictures of the cement that I found and of the general area but I did not see any identifiable headstones.
Jonathan Tosh Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia, United States