Le Beau Cemetery

Gettysburg, Potter, South Dakota, United States


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This area was flooded in the building of the Oahe Lake and Dam. (From: THE 1986 CULTURAL RESOURCE INVENTORYOF PORTIONS OF LAKE OAHE, CORSON AND DEWEY COUNTIES, SOUTH DAKOTA) Site 39DW100: This site is the remains of the Le Beau cemetery shown on the 1947 Corps of Engineers topographic map. The site is located on the top of a ridge covered with thick mixed prairie grasses with a surface visibility of approximately 10 percent. A few scrub oaks occur on the slopes of the ridge. The cemetery consists of 14 depressions approximately 1 X 2 m in size and one depression 2 X 2 m in size. Several depressions have a number of rocks scattered around or in them. Two cement slabs apparently used as headstones are also present. In addition to the depressions and grave markers, an old tire and a concentration of wood posts and barbed wire was also noted. An old road grade leading to the cemetery is still visible. It is also shown on the 1947 Corps of Engineers maps. The Le Beau Catholic (Moreau River) Cemetery was under the direction of Johnson Le Beau and Father Leo Freiderichs and consisted of 19 burials with internments ranging from 1903 to 1945 (USDI 1951b:18). The chain of title search-conducted at the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Office indicates that this land was a part of Allotment 150 issued as a trust patent to Alex Le Beau on March 31, 1906. He deeded it to his wife on September 5, 1914. Although she left the land to numerous heirs in 1934, according to the Dewey County Records and Deeds, a portion of it was filed as Patent Record No. 6 (No. 43336) to Eugene Whitney on April 19, 1918. However, no record of this transaction was on file at the Tribal Office and no mention of the cemetery was found at either office. The land, was acquired by the U. S. Government in 1957 for the Lake Oahe take area.
Le Beau Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Gettysburg, Potter, South Dakota, United States